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Trader's Diary

Economic calendar

Definície pojmov:
Week 11

Intel Strengthens Position with New Contracts and Government Support

Date: 18.9.2024

Today, I took a closer look at Intel Corp. (NASDAQ: INTC), which is taking promising steps toward restoring its technological dominance and financial stability. After the recent announcement of a new contract with Amazon Web Services (AWS), which should bring huge opportunities in the field of chip production for artificial intelligence (AI), Intel shares have moved up 7%.[1]* I was intrigued by this development because it is a significant step for a company that has struggled with a decline in market share and technological lag compared to competitors in recent years.

Cooperation with AWS

Intel has announced that it is working with AWS to invest in the development of a customer chip for AI computing that will use Intel's advanced 18A technology. This multi-billion dollar deal with a strategic partner like AWS is exactly what Intel needs to support its recovery and expansion strategy. The importance of AWS as the largest cloud service provider gives me confidence that Intel has a great opportunity ahead of it that it can use to expand its semiconductor manufacturing footprint.

Cooperation with AWS could significantly improve market confidence in Intel's ability to compete with foundry leaders such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. It is also another step in a plan to transform Intel into a chipmaker not only for its own products, but also for external customers.

Reduction of expansion in Europe

On the other hand, Intel announces the postponement of its projects in Germany and Poland, which means some disappointment for the European Union in the context of its ambitions in the field of semiconductor production. It is clear that the company has decided to focus on efficiency and optimization of spending, especially after announcing plans to save $10 billion and reduce the number of employees by 15,000.

U.S. Government in Support of Intel

Another significant move, which we took a closer look at in our monthly analysis in the Blog section, is that Intel will receive up to $3 billion in U.S. government funds to produce chips for the military under the Secure Enclave program. This program is aimed at ensuring a stable supply of advanced chips for defense and intelligence purposes. I see this move as a strengthening of Intel's relations with the government and another opportunity for the company to expand its production capacity, especially within the framework of projects in the US, where Intel is building new plants.

Conclusion: A new era for Intel

From an investor's point of view, I feel that Intel is gradually getting back on track. A combination of strategic agreements such as cooperation with AWS, government subsidies and a focus on key projects in the US can significantly strengthen Intel. Nevertheless, Intel still has a long way to go before it regains full market confidence. Its value is still below $90 billion, far behind Nvidia, which has reached a capitalization of around $2.9 trillion.

Investing in Intel at this stage may present a long-term opportunity, especially if the company delivers on its plans to revive and increase competitiveness in the semiconductor sector. [1]


* Past performance is no guarantee of future results 

[1] Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and current expectations, which may be inaccurate, or based on the current economic environment which is subject to change. Such statements are not guaranteeing of future performance. They involve risks and other uncertainties which are difficult to predict. Results could differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements.

[1] Intel Corp. stock price performance over the past five years: https://tradingeconomics.com/intc:us

Date: 3.7.2024
Dodávky vozidiel Tesla klesli, avšak prekonali očakávania

Keď sa zamyslím nad nedávnymi výsledkami spoločnosti Tesla za druhý štvrťrok, je zrejmé, že priekopník v oblasti elektrických vozidiel (EV) sa naďalej dokáže pohybovať v prostredí tvrdej konkurencie a klesajúceho dopytu. Napriek poklesu dodávok dokázala prekonať očakávania trhu, čo jej zabezpečilo nárast hodnoty akcií o 10% a dostali sa takmer na 6-mesačné maximum.*

Date: 6.9.2023
Moderna aktualizovala svoju vakcínu proti COVID

Napriek tomu, že vírus Covid takmer upadol do úplného zabudnutia, v mnohých krajinách Európy sa znovu objavil. Takže aj keď sme si mysleli, že je to všetko konečne za nami, smutnou realitou je, že vírus je stále medzi nami. Rozhodol som sa preveriť farmaceutické spoločnosti, ktoré vyrábajú vakcíny proti Covid-u, a zistiť, či majú nejaké novinky. Nezostal som sklamaný, pretože článok na Reuters mi poskytol informácie o tom, že Moderna práve aktualizovala svoju vakcínu.

Date: 30.8.2023
Predaj áut v Európe v júli vzrástol

Napriek tomu, že ceny áut boli v poslednom roku veľmi vysoké, zdá sa, že ceny začínajú klesať. Našiel som článok na Reuters, ktorý potvrdzoval moje predpovede, a kde sa písalo, že európske predaje áut vzrástli v júli o 15%, zatiaľ čo predaje EV boli dramaticky vyššie na úrovni okolo 61%, čo je veľmi pekný skok.

Date: 23.8.2023
Microsoft a Activision budú ponúkať streamovacie práva

Myslím, že veľa ľudí našej generácie a mladších dôverne pozná hru Call of Duty. Bol to veľký hit za mojich tínedžerských rokov a stále mám na toto obdobie pekné spomienky, aj keď boli vytvorené online. Pred časom sa objavili správy, že spoločnosť Activision, tvorcu spomínanej hry, kupuje Microsoft. Teraz som našiel články, že sa na pozadí dejú ešte ďalšie veci.

Date: 9.8.2023
IPO spoločnosti Arm sa blíži

V dnešnom denníku som sa to rozhodol urobiť trochu inak. Zvyčajne vždy robím poznámky o svojom obchodovaní, dnes však budem robiť poznámky pre seba o blížiacom sa IPO spoločnosti Arm. Rozhodol som sa to urobiť týmto spôsobom, pretože som si prečítal dva veľmi zaujímavé články o významných spoločnostiach, ktoré budú investovať do prvotnej verejnej ponuky akcií spoločnosti Arm.

Varovanie pred rizikom: Finančné rozdielové zmluvy sú zložité nástroje a sú spojené s vysokým rizikom rýchlych finančných strát v dôsledku pákového efektu. Na 91.79% účtov neprofesionálnych investorov dochádza k finančným stratám pri obchodovaní s finančnými rozdielovými zmluvami u tohto poskytovateľa. Mali by ste zvážiť, či chápete, ako finančné rozdielové zmluvy fungujú, a či si môžete dovoliť podstúpiť vysoké riziko, že utrpíte finančné straty.