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Definície pojmov:


refer to the profits or net income generated by a company during a specific period.

  • Earnings are a measure of a company's financial performance and are often reported on a quarterly or annual basis.

  • Positive earnings indicate that a company has made a profit, while negative earnings indicate a loss.

  • Earnings can be influenced by various factors, such as revenue, expenses, taxes, and other financial activities.


The code is a unique identifier assigned to a company's stock by the stock exchange where it is listed. It is used to identify the stock in trading and other financial transactions.


Actual refers to the real or current value or result of something. In the context of IPOs, actual can refer to the actual price or number of shares sold in the IPO, as opposed to the estimated price or number of shares.


Estimate refers to a prediction or approximation of something, such as the expected price or number of shares in an IPO. Estimates are often made by investment banks and analysts based on market demand and other factors.


Difference refers to the numerical or percentage variance between two values. In the context of IPOs, difference can refer to the variance between the estimated and actual price or number of shares sold in the IPO.


Percent refers to a fraction of 100, often used to express a proportion or rate. In the context of IPOs, percent can be used to express the difference between the estimated and actual price or number of shares sold as a percentage of the estimated value.

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IPOs (Initial Public Offerings):

An IPO occurs when a private company sells its stock to the public for the first time to raise capital or money.

The money raised from an IPO can be used for various purposes, such as paying down debt, investing in the company's long-term health, research and development, expanding into new product lines, or purchasing fixed assets.

During the IPO process, the equity shares of private investors

convert into publicly owned shares of the new entity, and early investors may sell their stock once the company's shares begin trading.

The chief benefit of an IPO is to help the company raise money and gain access to the capital markets, allowing for expansion and increasing credibility.


The code is a unique identifier assigned to a company's stock by the stock exchange where it is listed. It is used to identify the stock in trading and other financial transactions.


The name is the official name of the company whose shares are being offered in the IPO.


The exchange is the stock exchange where the company's shares are listed and traded. Examples of stock exchanges include the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Nasdaq.


The currency is the type of currency in which the company's shares are priced and traded. This can vary depending on the country and stock exchange where the company is listed.

Start date

The start date is the date on which the company's shares begin trading on the stock exchange after the IPO.

Offer price

The offer price is the price at which the company's shares are initially offered to the public in the IPO. This price is set by the company and its underwriters based on market demand and other factors.


Shares refer to the units of ownership in the company that are being offered to the public in the IPO. These shares can be bought and sold on the stock exchange after the IPO.

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Splits (Stock Splits):

A stock split occurs when a company increases the number of its outstanding shares of stock to boost the stock's liquidity.

In a stock split, the number of shares outstanding increases by a specific multiple, but the total dollar value of all shares remains the same.

Companies often choose to split their stock to lower its trading price to a more comfortable range for most investors and increase the liquidity of trading in its shares.

For example, if a company decides to split its stock 2-for-1, the number of shares outstanding would double, while the share price would be halved.


The code is a unique identifier assigned to a company's stock by the stock exchange where it is listed. It is used to identify the stock in trading and other financial transactions.

Split date

The split date refers to the date on which the stock split takes effect. It is the date when the new shares resulting from the split are distributed to existing shareholders. Optionable

Optionable refers to whether the stock is eligible to be used as an underlying asset for options contracts. If a stock is optionable, it means that options can be traded on that stock.

Old shares

Old shares refer to the existing shares of a company before a stock split takes place. These are the shares that will be exchanged for the new shares resulting from the split.

New shares

New shares are the additional shares that are issued to existing shareholders as a result of a stock split. The number of new shares is determined by the split ratio, such as 2-for-1 or 3-for-2, where shareholders receive a certain number of new shares for each old share they own.

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TSMC on the Rise: What Does the Latest Growth Mean for Investors?

Date: 11.9.2024

Today I'm focusing on Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (NYSE: TSM), which posted remarkable revenue growth for the month of August, which sends a positive signal to the market as well and supports my confidence in a rebound in smartphone demand and steadily growing interest in Nvidia Corp.'s artificial intelligence chips.

TSMC reported sales of 250.9 billion Taiwan dollars (about US$7.8 billion), up 33% from last year. Although the growth rate slowed from July's 45%, these results still indicate a steady market recovery from the pandemic slumps. For the third quarter, analysts expect TSMC to record 37% revenue growth, indicating a continued recovery in the sector. [1]

AI demand and market stabilization

What intrigues me, however, is the implication of these numbers on the broader market. TSMC's revenue growth is a signal that demand for AI infrastructure and chips that support advanced computing could be sustainable. The recent fluctuation in the value of Nvidia shares, which lost around $279 billion in value in one day after releasing financial results that fell short of the market's exaggerated expectations, has raised some concerns[1]. * Today's TSMC numbers, however, bring relief for investors like me who are focused on the AI segment.

Analyses led by Mark Lim of Bernstein show that if sales in September reach the average seasonality of the past eight years, TSMC could beat expectations for the third quarter by 5% to 6%. That trend could also help the company beat the midpoint of its initial forecasts. TSMC today generates more than half of its revenue from the high-performance computing segment, which is dominated by demand for AI chips.

Partnerships and growing demand for smartphone chips

Another interesting factor in the current developments is TSMC's close collaboration with Nvidia and Apple. TSMC is a major manufacturer of processors for the iPhone, whose latest model, the iPhone 16, has just been introduced to support artificial intelligence features. This alliance has the potential to further increase demand for TSMC chips, especially as Apple integrates technologies such as Wi-Fi 7, which could accelerate the adoption of this technology and increase interest in TSMC's specific manufacturing nodes.

In its last earnings release, TSMC provided an upbeat outlook for the full year and raised its revenue growth estimate above the previously forecast mid-20%. This positive outlook reassures me that TSMC is still in a strong position in the market and that its current expansion, including the expansion of manufacturing capacity in Arizona, Japan and new investments in a factory in Germany, will enable it to keep pace with growing global demand. [2]

Global expansion and market opportunities

CEO C.C. Wei is leading the company toward significant global expansion, which is another reason I have confidence in TSMC's future growth. Ongoing projects, such as plants in the U.S. and planned developments in Japan and Germany, create a solid base for future growth. This global expansion will enable TSMC to serve its key customers more efficiently and adapt to growing technology demands.

TSMC's results today reinforce my belief that this is an investment with a positive long-term outlook. While it is important to monitor market conditions and global economic factors, TSMC continues to demonstrate the ability to adapt quickly to new trends and technologies. This growth is a compelling argument for maintaining positive investment sentiment towards the company. [3]


* Past performance is no guarantee of future results

[1], [2], [3] Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and current expectations, which may be inaccurate, or based on the current economic environment which is subject to change. Such statements are not guaranteeing of future performance. They involve risks and other uncertainties which are difficult to predict. Results could differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements.

[1] TSMC's stock price performance over the past five years: https://tradingeconomics.com/tsm:us

Date: 3.7.2024
Dodávky vozidiel Tesla klesli, avšak prekonali očakávania

Keď sa zamyslím nad nedávnymi výsledkami spoločnosti Tesla za druhý štvrťrok, je zrejmé, že priekopník v oblasti elektrických vozidiel (EV) sa naďalej dokáže pohybovať v prostredí tvrdej konkurencie a klesajúceho dopytu. Napriek poklesu dodávok dokázala prekonať očakávania trhu, čo jej zabezpečilo nárast hodnoty akcií o 10% a dostali sa takmer na 6-mesačné maximum.*

Date: 6.9.2023
Moderna aktualizovala svoju vakcínu proti COVID

Napriek tomu, že vírus Covid takmer upadol do úplného zabudnutia, v mnohých krajinách Európy sa znovu objavil. Takže aj keď sme si mysleli, že je to všetko konečne za nami, smutnou realitou je, že vírus je stále medzi nami. Rozhodol som sa preveriť farmaceutické spoločnosti, ktoré vyrábajú vakcíny proti Covid-u, a zistiť, či majú nejaké novinky. Nezostal som sklamaný, pretože článok na Reuters mi poskytol informácie o tom, že Moderna práve aktualizovala svoju vakcínu.

Date: 30.8.2023
Predaj áut v Európe v júli vzrástol

Napriek tomu, že ceny áut boli v poslednom roku veľmi vysoké, zdá sa, že ceny začínajú klesať. Našiel som článok na Reuters, ktorý potvrdzoval moje predpovede, a kde sa písalo, že európske predaje áut vzrástli v júli o 15%, zatiaľ čo predaje EV boli dramaticky vyššie na úrovni okolo 61%, čo je veľmi pekný skok.

Date: 23.8.2023
Microsoft a Activision budú ponúkať streamovacie práva

Myslím, že veľa ľudí našej generácie a mladších dôverne pozná hru Call of Duty. Bol to veľký hit za mojich tínedžerských rokov a stále mám na toto obdobie pekné spomienky, aj keď boli vytvorené online. Pred časom sa objavili správy, že spoločnosť Activision, tvorcu spomínanej hry, kupuje Microsoft. Teraz som našiel články, že sa na pozadí dejú ešte ďalšie veci.

Date: 9.8.2023
IPO spoločnosti Arm sa blíži

V dnešnom denníku som sa to rozhodol urobiť trochu inak. Zvyčajne vždy robím poznámky o svojom obchodovaní, dnes však budem robiť poznámky pre seba o blížiacom sa IPO spoločnosti Arm. Rozhodol som sa to urobiť týmto spôsobom, pretože som si prečítal dva veľmi zaujímavé články o významných spoločnostiach, ktoré budú investovať do prvotnej verejnej ponuky akcií spoločnosti Arm.

Varovanie pred rizikom: Finančné rozdielové zmluvy sú zložité nástroje a sú spojené s vysokým rizikom rýchlych finančných strát v dôsledku pákového efektu. Na 91.79% účtov neprofesionálnych investorov dochádza k finančným stratám pri obchodovaní s finančnými rozdielovými zmluvami u tohto poskytovateľa. Mali by ste zvážiť, či chápete, ako finančné rozdielové zmluvy fungujú, a či si môžete dovoliť podstúpiť vysoké riziko, že utrpíte finančné straty.